Roguelikes are having a moment, and Curse of the Dead Gods is yet another entry into a genre that’s struck an incredibly rich vein of form lately. With gems like Dead Cells, Hades, Rogue Legacy, The Binding of Isaac and so many others leaving their marks on the gaming world in...
Considered to be one of thehardest games to beat according to Reddit,The Binding of Isaacis an indie roguelike that is loosely based on the biblical story of the same name and is one of the main titles that revitalized the roguelike genre for modern players. Originally created as a Flash g...
My first article, a review for the excellentMonster Train, is something you will see more of, probably for my favorite genres of (A)RPGs, deckbuilders, almost anything roguelike/lite, and the random indie. Some recent favorite games have been: Rocket League(alas, I havegiven it up) Divin...
Mystery Dungeon games have been around for over 25 years and here we have a remake of a couple classics in the legendary line-up. A.J. Maciejewski offers an honest review of Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Rescue Team DX; an excellent first-party roguelike game
Score:There are still a lot more strong teams that we have to face, but I’m still happy because we’ve been winning all of our matches. We’ll do our best to win our remaining games as well. In game 1,...