Rose Glass's excellent debut feature follows a religious young woman working as a nurse, who becomes dangerously obsessed with saving the soul of her patient. Why is it one of the best horror movies of all time?Because, even if it might not be an all-out scarefest, it's the kind of...
In a Caribbean village populated by religious refugees, Jonathon Standing (Kerwin Mathews) gets caught in an affair with the wife of a prominent local. Standing is sent to a nearby penal colony, but he is eventually freed by pirates commanded by LaRoche (Christopher Lee). The pirates then for...
The film delves into themes of tradition, repression, and the struggle for personal freedom, offering an unflinching look at the complexities of love and loyalty within a tightly knit religious community. Disobedience masterfully balances the pain of separation with the quiet resilience of its ...
This category explores the various beings that act as mediators between the human and divine realms, such as angels, saints, prophets, messengers, avatars, or incarnations. It also covers the origins, characteristics, functions, and cults of these intermediaries in different religious traditions. ...
2.Since the last third of the 18thcentury happiness was increasingly tied to the idea ofromantic love[Burkhart, 179]. Romantic love has a religious trait[Burkhart, 183]. 3.Romantic love is unstable and cannot guarantee the symmetry of the genders. For that reason the concept ofpartnershipis ...
(Winona Ryder). Of course, the naive Edward also runs afoul of some of the locals, including an amorous housewife, a religious nut, and a jealous boyfriend. A touching film that should appeal to anyone who’s ever felt like an outsider,Edward Scissorhandsremains Burton’s strongest overall ...
who is paying for religious billboards, why do people keep using terrible fonts, why's Google strong-arming small business owners, or are they, can we split a lap dance, why aren't there high-end pawn shops for celebrities, who stole the oxys from the trial evidence, how do you succ...
In such a religious, superstitious world, it’s not difficult for William or Katherine to believe such a tale. Trapped on this claustrophobic plot of land more than a day’s journey from civilization, all Thomasin can do is repeatedly say that it is not true, which isn’t enough proof ...
The Defiance of Good: Directed by Armand Weston. With Jean Jennings, Fred J. Lincoln, Day Jason, Carole Holland. Under the influence of her bad friend, Cathy is caught experimenting with drugs by her religious mother. The parents feel the best thing for
A special time of both family and religious devotion, Eid Al-Adha brings with it a host of celebratory events where loved ones feast and share gifts with one another. Here we reveal the ultimate Eid gifts to buy from the Dubai shopping malls and the stylish shopping picks to celebrate the...