I ordered the ramen recently, which appears to be the big seller there. It just reminded me that I’m not a huge fan of ramen, but Cleveland Scene Magazine named Corner 11 as one of the “Top 5 Ramens in Cleveland” in 2022. It was a nice bowl of ramen, but give me a bowl of...
ramen noodles sirracha soba noodles Soup soup base spaghetti tofu vegan Vegetables Peach Skillet Cake August 29, 2015 This is a recipe I like to pull out this time of year. Although I’m calling it “Peach Cake”, it should really be called “Insert fruit or berry of your choice cake”!
Salt, pepper, and butter seemed so boring after having my first taste of real elote, but since it's not readily available on street corners outside the Southland, we haven't had true elote in a while. But let me throw my initial thoughts about this product out there to start things of...