Best High Schools in NYC?? To speak from personal experience, math was my favorite subject before attending Trinity, and I proudly considered myself a ‘math kid.’ Within two years of entering Trinity, and still to date, I see math as one of my weaker subjects and have little to no ...
Best High Schools in NYC?? To speak from personal experience, math was my favorite subject before attending Trinity, and I proudly considered myself a ‘math kid.’ Within two years of entering Trinity, and still to date, I see math as one of my weaker subjects and have little to no ...
Executive Dir.Asian Community Development Corp;Brian An, Dir.Public Policy Georgia Tech;Katie MCann, Rent Control Campaign Coordinator,City Life/Vida Urbana; andTim Reardon, Chief of Data & Research, Executive Office of Housing and Livable Communities, a newly established cabinet level area in Gov...
Him: Of all the places in NYC, I can’t believe you chose Dallas BBQ as a place to meet. Me: Well, you told me to pick the place. Him: Yeah, but I didn’t think you’d try to kill me with an onion ring loaf. Me: We didn’t order an onion ring loaf. Him: Oh, that ...
-Pirate’s Booty in a clear jar with wrapped candy at the bottom. Much like a bee, the student were covered in cheese powder (pollen) in a effort to locate the candy (nectar). -Blind taste test of honey from both Julian and NYC. Students voted for the best flavor and then the orig...
My unique, 9-year-old fantasy loving granddaughter, Aurora, challenged me to complete my story during the pandemic. Through the eyes of my grandchildren as well as all the hundreds of ethnically diverse children I have taught for the last 35 years in NYC public and private schools, I saw ...
I made a point to take my two young daughters to NYC shortly after 9-11 even though they missed the ascent to the top of the Statue of Liberty for security reasons, they were able to ascend to the top of the Empire State Building. “Today the World Trade Center is again the tallest...
Reports on the responsiveness of students in new healthful menus in cafeterias in New York City. Support of the program by David Berkowitz, executive director of the Office of Food Services; Menu design; Recruitment of executive chef Jorge Collazo to rewrite the menus and improve the efficiency ...
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These donations have fully sponsored two summer youth baseball teams in Harlem, provided much needed school supplies to under-funded public schools in St. Louis, brought 300 grade-school children on a 4-day trip to Historic Williamsburg, VA, supported a summer Squash program for inner-city youth...