HEALTH promotionIMMUNIZATIONMEDICAL protocolsPUBLIC healthSCHOOL nursingSERIAL publicationsGood public health practice. British Journal of School Nursing , 8(1), p. 5doi:10.12968/BJSN.2013.8.1.5E. CroghanMark Allen GroupBritish journal of school nursing...
This article describes the organisation and decision-making in public health in Finland, summarises two examples of 'good practice' in public health: cardiovascular disease and diabetes prevention, and discusses future challenges facing public health in Finland. The Finnish health system is highly ...
As part of a wider programme of work part-funded by the European Union, a study was therefore designed to explore current ‘good practice’ relating to positive health interventions in sports stadia across a number of European countries. Using a specially designed questionnaire, information about ...
Definition Good clinical practice, when applied to pharmaceutical clinical trials, defines the most desirable way of running trials. Like good manufacturing practice (GMP , defines state of the art production of pharmaceuticals, conceived by the Pharmaceutical Inspection Convention and Pharmaceutical Inspecti...
Firstly, Good Medical Practice is a framework of guidance used to regulate doctors, whilst the NHS Core Valuesare a statement of the principles of the NHS for healthcare professionals to uphold. Unlike Good Medical Practice, the NHS Core Values cannot be used for the regulation of doctors by ...
The history of CPHC approaches in Australia pre-dates the Alma Ata Declaration through “particularly progressive community health movements, which promoted health centres that attempted to put comprehensive PHC in to practice albeit against the tide of the mainstream health system” ([6,] p. 38)....
'Good Laboratory Practice (GLP) embodies a set of principles that provides a framework within which laboratory studies are planned, performed, monitored, recorded, reported and archived. These studies are undertaken to generate data by which the hazards and risks to users, consumers and third partie...
Good Manufacturing Practice(GMP) should be observed and respected when manufacturing tested products Ideally, all the GCP concepts should be respected by the people involved in clinical trials and today we are close to being ethically conscious and at the same time conducting much-needed research for...
It is based on appraisal, review and comparison of guidelines already in existence, across established CAM therapies, nursing and allied health professions, together with a review of the legal framework under which all therapists work, interviews with both the non-established and established CAM ...
The criteria for successful health care public relations mirror those of the practice of good medicine. Experience shows that effective health care public relations is: evidence based, expert driven, micro-focused, issue-oriented, patient empowering, and noncommercial. Each of these insights will be...