David J shared a bit of his reality when he posted about a trip to Fowey, Cornwall and a pub called The Lugger: I feel this same urge to relocate to Fowey whenever I visit and it’s because of the sea. And the Lugger. But first, the sea, the sea. Well, it’s not quite the ...
Quick Guide To Postal Voting In Bury Union Square Rededication Ceremony October 2011, Bury. Bury Council Draft Programme of Savings Consultation 2012-2015 Film 2 - Elbow, Danny Boyle and Zoe Robinson receive Freedom of the Borough of Bury ...
Cornwall has a wealth of natural energy resources that offer us an opportunity for shaping a low carbon future, whilst ensuring decisions offer good value for money and are sensitive to Cornwall's existing natural assets. Kernow a's teves asnodhow pals a nerth naturel a brof dhyn spas ra...
A radiologist of my vintage would be subjected to a dose of radiation amounting to roughly twice the background dose we all get in our normal lives. (People in Cornwall and Aberdeen get more because of the radioactive rocks in these places.) This is actually a minimal increase in risk as...
https://doi.org/10.1093/gerona/gly011 PubMedGoogle Scholar Google Scholar PubMedGoogle Scholar Google Scholar IUNA (Irish Universities Nutrition Alliance) (2005) The National Children’s Food Survey (2005). IUNA national child food survey main report....
In 1870 he went into business with one Solomon Abrahams with the idea of being the celebrity landlord of a pub in Shoreditch. Walker ended up in court again after a dispute over the takings with Solomon. (Lake’s Falmouth Packet and Cornwall Advertiser, 15 January 1870.) Eventually, perhaps...