However, the PSAT isn't just a way to help you see how well you score on the SAT; PSAT scores themselves can actually be quite important for juniors.If you score high enough, you could qualify for National Meritand the benefits the program offers.Keep reading to learn more about what Na...
10th, and 11th grade. We’ll also go into which PSAT options exist for freshmen, sophomores, and juniors, along with how your scores might stack up compared to national averages. Keep reading to learn what constitutes a good score on the PSAT. ...
As per the most recentdatafrom the College Board, the first chart below reflects percentile rankings based on total scores of high school juniors who took the PSAT/NMSQT or PSAT 10 in 2018-2019, 2019-2020 and 2020-2021. Percentiles change slightly every year based on the scores of students....
so it’s important to understand PSAT scoring and to review your score report. Your overall PSAT score will range from 320 (lowest) to 1520 (highest) and is calculated by adding your two section scores together. In this guide, we’ll break down how the PSAT is scored so you can review...
We’ve created a master chart that lines up all of the PSAT scores according to the national percentile of juniors and sophomores with the SAT score ranges. So you have more of a predictive feel for what your PSAT score means if you do an average amount of prep for someone who is scori...
The Selection Index is unique to the PSAT and not part of the SAT as the other scores are.This is the score used by the National Merit Scholarship Corporation (NMSC)to determinewho qualifies for the National Merit scholarship competition. The Selection Index has a range of 48-228. It's ...
Some of you took the PSAT on Wednesday this past week, and the rest of you will take it tomorrow. For many, so begins your foray into the wonderful world of high stakes, college admissions testing. That’s the bad news. The good news, though, is that you get a little standardized-te...
The top 1% of test takers in each state go on tobecome Semifinalists, with the potential ofbecoming Finalists and eventually winning the scholarship. Know that only juniors who take the PSAT are eligible for National Merit (sorry, sophomores!). ...