The PSA Test: Too Much of a Good Thing?Don Colburn
This isn't a PSA just for weightlifters and high-impact athletes. Runners can also put themselves at risk of getting sidelined, particularly if their pelvis is out of alignment with the natural curve of their spine, which puts more strain on their back and knees rather than their glutes, ...
afor many years,we have been led to believe that a person’s intelligence is the greatest predictor of success. society assumes that people with high IQs will naturally accomplish more in life. schools often use IQ test results to choose children for gifted programs and advanced courses. some...
Your prostate is, among other things, a filter. It purifies the fluid of the semen so that the sperms stay healthy. Toxic overload is why prostate cancer is so prevalent in men. Their prostates accumulate so much poison and toxicity that cancer results. Like cigarette smoking. Some authoriti...
aPSA assay standardization. Two reference standards cur-rently are commonly used for PSA assays—those traceable to the WHO international standards and those traceable to the Hybritech standard. Most clinicians assume that all PSA assays give similar test values and that changes in these test values...
Screening for prostate cancer typically uses ablood testthat measures levels of a protein that prostate cells produce calledprostate specific antigen, or PSA. Elevated PSA levels may indicate the presence of prostate cancer, but not all cases are aggressive or life-threatening. And PSA levels can ...
concentrations used inclinical monitoring.To test the capabilities of theirapproach, Tamayo and colleagues usedthe carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA)and prostate specific antigen (PSA),which were chosen for their clinicalsignificance in the diagnosis, prognosisand monitoring of colon and prostatecancer, ...
PSA (Public Service Announcement) Road Race today. Just don’t get in your car. It’s not worth it. Quarries are lovely in the morning. Father’s Day gift. I am designating myself President and Treasurer of the Cape Ann Electrical Bicycle Association. Email me your application for membersh...
Prostate-specific antigen (PSA) testing is prevalent and increasing in Stockholm County, Sweden, Despite no recommendations for PSA screening: results from... Prostate-specific antigen (PSA) testing is prevalent, and more than two thirds of men aged 50–79 yr in Stockholm, Sweden, had a PSA ...
aThe PSV spectra were evaluated using regression models (Trifunac1995), and then normalized to have the same peak spectral amplitudes. Then the PSA spectra were evaluated from the normalized PSV spectra by multiplication by v. In Fig. 7, PSV光谱使用回归模型(Trifunac1995)被评估了,然后正常化有同...