I took ideas from this link, but reworked it to fit my applicaiton: https://forums.xamarin.com/discussion/74492/is-there-a-way-to-render-the-zxing-scannerpage-in-xaml. This actually worked out nice because now I have a custom barcode page in my forms project that I can use cross ...
You can buy an etch-a-sketch or notebook and coloured pencils/pens AND a colour laser printer-scanner-copier, an eink reader and an android tablet for the price of a BigMe colour. Also reMarkable or remarkable 2 is in reality poor compared to Kobo Elipsa even if you don't want the co...
Data USB Type C to USB 2.0 B Male Printer Scanner MIDI Cable PVC Custom High Speed 480M Mobile Hp Printer Cable Stock Braid $2.00 Min. order: 100 pieces USB TO TYPE -C RGB Voice-controlled Nightlight data cable PD100w Super Fast charge ...
Error message when you perform a scan by using a WSD-based scanner driver in Windows Vista: "A problem prevented Windows from saving the settings" Hotfix Printing & Imaging Technologies https://support.microsoft.com/kb/931675 931689 The Chkdsk.exe tool cannot detect bad c...
Is there a way to render the Zxing ScannerPage in Xaml? Is there a way to send data from View Model to code behind? Is there any other way to set the background image for carousel page in xamarin.forms Is there any way to bind to ConverterParameter? Is there any way to convert PDF...