Warframe has hundreds of weapons, good is often relative. Acceltra/Acceltra Prime I do think is good, but in the upper echelons of Primary weapons, but its outclassed by many weapons still, like most Incarnons. It also is incredibly strong against Star Chart level enemies, but in longer...
Best 'frame, period. guymanbrodude Hunter 770 发表于 2013年4月1日 Rhino. Iron Skin. No damage. No knockdown, no pushback, nothing. Full immunity for damage. Max it out, get Continuity, and boom. As for weapons, that's up to your playstyle. Xenogear Master 150 发表于 2013年4...
Carry as many guns and ammo as you can acquire and select fast with mouse wheel to which ever weapon you wanted as well as right and left mouse clicks were primary and alternate fire so weapons had where you could hold right click and stack up a RPG to shoot 5 at the same time or ...
An assortment of weapons work well with the Loki warframe. Being absurdly fast (especially with a sprint mod or two), the Loki can often close gaps in no time, making shotguns and other close combat weaponry useful. However, the Loki has low health, shields, and armour, thus making close...
She is s frame that does damage through your weapons not the frame directly. Add he has cc and armor strip for days. So pop ccs and strip enemy armor well they kill each other or melt them with a op gun. Her alt is crap though. Snd good use a rework. 此内容已被编辑, 2019...
As for why you might want two weapons capable of sniping, rather than one sniper and a close-range weapon with high-burst damage for those "oh S#&$" moments, that's really a matter of preference and what kinds of situations you tend to get yourself into. I might want a back-up sni...
That being said, If you really like the Latron it's not that much worse off than any other gun. It may not be able to reach the maximum DPS potential of some of the other weapons, but then again I use it and I'm coming out with top damage in just about every run I do. Inclu...