Set an hourly or per-day rate and interested renters will reach out to you. Turo says users can make roughly $400 to $500 per month. Consider checking out HyreCar, Getaround and TravelCar, as well to rent out your car. Pros: Can set hourly or per-day rates Turo provides additional ...
The idea of buying a used rental car makes some people uneasy. The car may have had a brutal life. Renters have little incentive to treat a car gently, the thinking goes. Rental cars also often drive more miles in a year than cars owned or leased by an individual. On the other hand,...
“Unions are more common in urban areas such as Boston, New York and Chicago,” says Levy. “Alternatively, in the suburbs, in 30 years, I have never seen the need to have a union staff. However, no matter where your property is located, if you have an elevator and other large equip...
One of the fastest-growing insurance companies in the U.S., Homesite provides a wide array of insurance products designed to protect against natural and manmade risks. Our insurance coverages includeHome,Renters,Condo,Small Business, andAuto. Homesite also offers consumers the ability to purchase ...