08年的老改版,修复版包含四个地区,原版包含原创的Denta地区以及官方的城都地区,关东和丰缘则是hacksrepairman在修复版中完善的,其中丰缘由于种种原因所以只能去两个城市,不过依旧有19个徽章可以获取,修复版加入大量剧情的同时也修复了大量原有的bug以及加 共7 张 zhoujiqin66611 9-12 79 【更新】剑盾GBA...
【gba白金复刻】Fire Hack:Pokemon Platinum Red Alpha 1.21 graykis酱 原贴:http://www.pokecommunity.com/showthread.php?t=320333 感谢作者GoGoJJTech PS:UPS补丁有3个版本,分别对应火红,红宝石,绿宝石,没有分别,我只打了火红版补丁 Pokemon Platinum Red and Blue Versions are 2 separate GBA hacks, both...
【gba白金复刻】Fire Hack:Pokemon Platinum Red Alpha 1.21 graykis酱 原贴:http://www.pokecommunity.com/showthread.php?t=320333 感谢作者GoGoJJTech PS:UPS补丁有3个版本,分别对应火红,红宝石,绿宝石,没有分别,我只打了火红版补丁 Pokemon Platinum Red and Blue Versions are 2 separate GBA hacks, both...
t=320333 感谢作者GoGoJJTech PS:UPS补丁有3个版本,分别对应火红,红宝石,绿宝石,没有分别,我只打了火红版补丁 Pokemon Platinum Red and Blue Versions are 2 separate GBA hacks, both using Fire Red as a base. I repeat, Pokemon Platinum Version on the gba. Platinum Red is a FULL DEMAKE, while ...
t=320333 感谢作者GoGoJJTech PS:UPS补丁有3个版本,分别对应火红,红宝石,绿宝石,没有分别,我只打了火红版补丁 Pokemon Platinum Red and Blue Versions are 2 separate GBA hacks, both using Fire Red as a base. I repeat, Pokemon Platinum Version on the gba. Platinum Red is a FULL DEMAKE, while ...
t=320333 感谢作者GoGoJJTech PS:UPS补丁有3个版本,分别对应火红,红宝石,绿宝石,没有分别,我只打了火红版补丁 Pokemon Platinum Red and Blue Versions are 2 separate GBA hacks, both using Fire Red as a base. I repeat, Pokemon Platinum Version on the gba. Platinum Red is a FULL DEMAKE, while ...