The Plot: The film opens with newspaper magnate Charles Foster Kane on his deathbed, where his last word is "rosebud." This inspires a journalist to chronicle the enigmatic life of the mogul, uncovering his ruthless quest for power and fortune. The Twist: "Rosebud" is the name of Kane's...
Over 17K filmgoers have voted on the 210+ films on Good Movies for 13-Year-Olds. Current Top 3: The Hunger Games Franchise, Guardians of the Galaxy Franchise, ...
You know the feeling. You're watching a movie and you're loving it. Likereallyloving it. You're thinking "Wow, I think I may actually be watching a really great movie!" And then it happens: a plot twist so dumb, so inane, so nonsensical that it sends the film into a tailspin ...
Filled with suspenseful plot twists and slick direction, it stands as a compelling addition to the action genre. Released: 2021 Also ranks #3 on 16 Underrated Revenge Movies Where The Hero Goes Scorched-Earth Also ranks #6 on The 25 Best Movies Like 'Ambulance', Ranked By Fans Also r...
So here we go: the best comedy movies now streaming on Amazon Prime Video. 1. Walk Hard Jenna Fischer and John C. Reilly star in "Walk Hard." Credit: Gemma La Mana / Columbia / Kobal / Shutterstock If you've never seen this underappreciated, star-studded work of genius, it's ti...
The Good Mother’s“Don’t worry your pretty little head about the details” attitude ruins even the film’s main plot twist, which could have been nifty if there had been even a whisper of pre-shadowing. Instead, it lands like an errant asteroid. ...
The Good Sister: Directed by Philippe Gagnon. With Sonya Walger, Ben Bass, Bobbie Phillips, Ashleigh Harrington. Struggling with marital problems, a man begins a passionate affair with his wife's long-lost, twin sister.
and the difference between right and wrong. "The Good Wife" is a more passive show than the CBS promos suggest. Instead of warping our minds with a new twist every week, Robert and Michelle King sparingly use scandalous events to make each twist substantial and full of impact. As is done...
Need a mood boost? These 25 feel good movies are currently streaming on Netflix, from 'Paddington' to 'Homecoming: A Film By Beyoncé.'
Good Luck Chuck is basically a rom-com with a nastiness to it. It's like the makers were trying to make a trashy sex comedy with a heart. They failed. This movie would have been far more successful had it cut out all the lewdness and Dane Cook!