Good for a cocktail in a relaxing environment Although some of the cocktails may be pricier than what you would find around others places ($5-10 dollars more; note: everything is more expensive on Las Vegas strip), at least in this posh-looking place you will sit in nice chairs...
雅思口语Part2话题卡:Describe an occasion when you heard someone complaining about something in a restaurant/store or other business places 描述你曾经在诸如餐馆/商店或者其它商业场所听到听到别人投诉的经历思路点拨:以下思路仅供参考,希望大家根据自己的真实经历编写答案这道话题卡的细节要求相对较多 ... 老烤鸭...
Describe a place you like to go to relax You should say: Where it is when you go there What you do there And explain why you like to go there/Why you would like to go to this place to relax Part3 1. Do people have enough places to relax in your country? 2. What do people do...
Come to Portland, Maine, where the lobsters are cheap, the views are spectacular, and the locals are friendly. Visit the Old Port district for a variety of interesting shops, restaurants, and bars. Don't forget to hit up thePortland Head Lighthousein Cape Elizabeth, where history and majest...