It states that graphic novels encourage and require a facility with the interplay between pictures and words in a world formed with visual media, from picture books to television to videogames to the Internet. It says that there are different source materials for graphic novels and graphic novels...
These books are specifically written for kids who are challenged by their shyness, their worries, or their tendency to make themselves small. There are also quiet kids who like to observe before jumping in – not because they’re shy or worried, just because that’s how they like to do th...
I am a little conflicted on this book, mostly because I’m not clear on what we are to take away from the story – is it just a feel-good story for kids for young readers? It’s okay if it is, but it feels like there should be more moral, or more obvious moral, or just more...
Motivational picture books for children, ages 3-7 yrs. The Treetop Tooth shop and Chelsea’s Flossome Friend are fun stories that motivate and encourage children to adopt lifelong habits of taking good care of their teeth. Chelsea, the dental hygienist a
Good books for kids: List of 800+ books read and recommended by both parents and children. Category (mystery, fantasy, horse, etc.) and reading level lists make it easy to find a book for any child.
Now he’s writing for kids as well. He’s toned back his language and the darkness of his adult works and created a delightful ‘horror’ story for young readers. How horrific? Think “Goosebumps.” I was not a big fan of his previous young reader book – I thought that it was ...
This is not a long book, but it addresses a hard subject for kids to talk about. 13 year old Rydr is on a train from California to Chicago. She is being sent to live with an elderly uncle she has never met because her grandmother has recently passed away. Several years earlier, Rydr...
The Devil's Arithmetic emphasizes the need for future generations to remember the past and honor the resilience and courage of their ancestors. Released: 1999 Directed by: Donna Deitch See what is ranked #1 The Best Movies About Men Raising Kids Vote 45 The Hebrew Hammer Adam Goldberg, Judy...
Good Books to Share It’s a received wisdom that kids should develop the habit of reading. And reading suitable books helps kids keep their love for reading. Picture Books Picture books are for readers aged 2—6. Adults have to read them to children over and over again, so the books ...
You know, Starbucks has busted out the pumpkin spice, dozens of kids have disemboweled gourds & cut smiling faces into their corpses, and Costco already has the Christmas decorations out. Yep. It’s Halloween time. Even though Halloween has changed a lot since I was a kid… This is still...