Bards Tale Remastered vs WoW Battle for Azeroth Legion flying (pathfinder), DK Mount, and Nightfallen rep Done Legion Flying is not hard, it is time consuming WoW Art contest finalists are incredible What did I play this weekend? More Civ6 Observations ...
What is the easiest class to solo in WoW? Surprising nobody, Hunters keep their title as the best solo class in the game. Whether playing alone in Classic or retail, Hunters don't need friends because they can tame pets to accompany them on their adventure. ...
I enjoy looking at their mounts, their pets, and their "costumes". (WoW has a thing called "transmog" where you can make any gear set look like anything you please.) Since I play on a "Roleplaying realm", I also can stop and listen in on groups doing what amounts t...