Other factors analysts consider when evaluating stocks include theprice-to-book ratio(P/B) ratio. This can help them determine if a stock is genuinely undervalued or if the growth estimates used to calculate the PEG ratio are simply inaccurate. To calculate the P/B ratio, divide the stock'...
Price/Earnings Ratio Information is currently not available; this data is based on analyst coverage. Forecast P/E Growth Rates Information is currently not available; this data is based on analyst coverage. 本益成长比 Information is currently not available; this data is based on analyst coverage....
It is also worth noting that GOOD currently has a PEG ratio of 1.86. The PEG ratio is akin to the commonly utilized P/E ratio, but this measure also incorporates the company's anticipated earnings growth rate. The average PEG ratio for the REIT and Equity Trust - Other industry stood...
Compare GOOD Stocks > Best Analysts Covering GOOD Barry OxfordColliers Securities 1 Year Success Rate 8/16 ratings generated profit 1 Year Average Return +2.07% reiteratedabuyrating 2 months ago Follow CopyingBarry Oxford'strades and holding each position for1 Yearwould result in50.00%of your tran...
Try ourPenny Stock Screener Explore Now Unlock Smart Score 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Show more Top Smart Score Stocks > GDRX Stock 12 Month Forecast All Analysts Top Analysts Average Price Target $7.15 ▲(61.04% Upside) Detailed Analyst Forecast >...
Elasticity measures how sensitive one variable is to any other variable, and it is expressed as the ratio of percentage changes in each variable ■own-price elasticity of demand 自身价格弹性定义的是商品的自身价格变化时,商品的需求的变化量
in p/e is distorted by the impact of covid-19. and if the p/e ratio is suspect, so too, then, is the peg ratio similarly affected. i believe the answer is to start with data at the end of 2019, early 2020, pre-covid-19 and compare to projections out to the end of 2022, ...
(as opposed to issuing more) which helps bolster shareholder value. And despite the big percentage gain the stock has seen, it is still undervalued according to the PEG forward ratio and has a lower P/E than the S&P 500. Impressive considering META's yearly earnings are expected to increase...
ratio profit probability printed peter peoples pencil patients paintings outlook normally nation's mother's maris managed license kinds jim jackson isolated intention industries hurry guide football fellowship error elected desirable crew crazy columns coal classic characters challenge cash cards camera ...
GOOD currently has a forward P/E ratio of 11.25, while RHP has a forward P/E of 12.65. We also note that GOOD has a PEG ratio of 1.88. This popular figure is similar to the widely-used P/E ratio, but the PEG ratio also considers a company's expected EPS growth rate. RHP current...