“If a job pays good money but it doesn’t fulfill you, STAY THERE!!! I’m 50 and I’ve left good paying jobs because I wanted something better or more “fulfilling”, only to find it was never there. So I’ve jumped from job to job pursuing that “kick *ss” job. Instead ...
” Comparing his students to unpropertied feudal peasants—not because they were on public assistance, which they were, but because he felt the classroom itself was a form of disempowerment—Richmond found that giving students jobs, real social roles that were remunerated in Monopoly money, ...
modified ride sharing (from groups of guys in a truck to 1 or 2 per individual vehicle) prioritized smaller jobs and/or specific jobs where bigger crews can be spread out more and the project is still manageable under covid-19 constraints assigned work that can start and finish without disru...
#ai#career#jobs#software#developer#technology#innovation Learn TypeScript by building a Reddit Api Client TypeScript is seeing increasing adoption across the developer community. According to theStack Overflow Developer Survey 2022TypeScript ranks 3rd as the ‘Most Wanted’ programming language by develope...
In my latest book, I wanted to answer this question: Is marketing a good career? Is it a stable career? And many of the questions in-between. Why this book? Making the right career choice can be hard enough as it is. What do we like to do, what are we good at, and what career...
GBH hastweeteda link to a very interesting reddit post by Sixpoint Brewing on the recent “investment” in 21 Amendment by Brooklyn that is fun in its bitchiness but also very telling in one particular comment: “…with a path to full control.” See, when these things happen and people ...
Employees today are looking for more than high-paying jobs with benefits; they are seeking jobs that offer a good work-life balance. In fact, many employees are turning down higher-paying jobs and accepting lower pay for shorter work weeks. As more Baby Boomers retire, Gen X’ers, Millennia...
For example, if one of my articles ever makes the front page of Reddit. On traditional hosting – I’d need to upgrade to a new server or move to a new host entirely. What about with Cloudways? I’d just go into server management and scale up my server resources. The process is sim...
Women are often asked to get naked as a way of "paying their dues" as several women claim; some actresses have lost jobs if they don't — forget what was agreed upon in the contract or nudity rider. But the perils extend far beyond the simple unfair treatment of how women are filmed...
Users on Reddit thought it was sketchy, but said you were guaranteed some interesting people watching if you went there for a Grand Slam. It's now permanently closed as well. Dennys (Airport Way, Boise) Image via Google Maps Denny's (Airport Way, Boise) We're not totally sure when the...