As Barack Obama ramps up the war rhetoric in a desperate bid to involve America in the Syrian Conflict and (he vainly hopes) thus save his failed Presdiency and David Cameron keeps his tongue firmly inserted in Obama's are, it's good to know somebody is in touch with reality....
Established in 2006, the Foundation is dedicated to meeting needs of children in some of the most remote areas of China, many of whom have been left behind to live with grandparents or to attend boarding schools as their parents have moved to get jobs in larger cities. This post is the ...
He may not have a lot of luck getting acting jobs, but he has great luck when it comes to women. He is currently making time with a hot little number by the name of Doris. Their attraction for one another is genuine and very, very passionate. Unfortunately, Doris’s husband, John ...
that hit you when you aren't paying attention and accidentally touch the leads of charged capacitors, or when you connect 2 wires that you shouldn't, or an electrical component more or less explodes in front of your eyes, because you connected it to the testing board in the wrong way.....
The crazy couple gave up their jobs and spent months just building this glass house in the forest.It sounds like a joke. Wouldn’t we all love to drop everything and build a glass house in the middle of the forest,.right? I...
you can’t write that, those are real people with real jobs!” or “you shouldn’t be writing about beer” or that stumblefuck of a non-thought “you are just a old curmugeon!” It even justifies the recently received assessment I’ve heard from one writer about being told in a ...
Brfxxccxxmnpcccclllmmnprxvclmnckssqlbb11116: Sweden - Name meaning: Unclear, but the parents claimed it should be pronounced “Albin.” - Reason for ban: It isn’t a name. Swedish naming law states, in part, that “names which for some obvious reason are not suitable as a first name...
(Octavia Spencer) is an African-American maid who has often offended her employers despite her family's struggles with money and her desperate need for jobs; and Eugenia "Skeeter" Phelan (Emma Stone) is a young white woman who has recently moved back home after graduating college to find ...
Find Scholarships to Finance Your Studies WishJobs Find Out More > Men who are secure in masculine relationship roles do not care if a woman has a job Quoting: Anonymous Coward 81881273 What I read from this is, I only want sez, and some to prop my ego up in front of others.It ...
15 million new jobs in just three years – a record, a record. Unemployment at 50-year lows, a record 16 million Americans are starting small businesses, and each one is a literal act of hope. Biden likes to say former President Donald Trump had the worst jobs record since the Great ...