Farm Generations seeks a social media and communications assistant to support our Communications and Media Manager on a part-time basis with ongoing social media, podcast, and press promotion. This role requires 10-15 hours per week. Responsibilities include: Assist in generating and posting dail...
Reddit communities are a treasure trove for Banggood voucher codes. Shoppers often share the latest promo codes and insider tips on maximizing your savings. It’s always worth checking for new deals before making your purchase. Banggood free shipping ...
Both part-time jobs were the same –market research interviewing. Each company knew I worked for the other company, but they were OK with that as long as the projects didn’t overlap in any way, and I wasjust that good at interviewingthat they were so willing to accommodate me. Yes, f...
Cloudways allows you to not only see what resources you’re using but it also allows you to monitor IP requests, URL requests, bot traffic, status codes, PHP usage, MySQL, cronjobs, etc. What I find most useful is the traffic related metrics. This information is incredibly useful. IP req...
Emotionally scarred by a hot, greasy summer flipping the bird back as one of her first part-time jobs in her youth, we never paid Colonel Sanders a visit. The details she shared were few and far between, but it’s not hard to imagine how that kind of gig could turn someone against ...
Click to share on Reddit (Opens in new window) Click to email a link to a friend (Opens in new window) Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window) Click to print (Opens in new window) Click to share on LinkedIn (Opens in new window) ...
Making the right career choice can be hard enough as it is. What do we like to do, what are we good at, and what career is fulfilling and pays the bills? While I can’t answer those questions for all careers, let’s talk about marketing. What’s good about marketing? How do you...
DeLorean time machine provided by Uber Ride Sharing Boosts the Economy Letter to the Editor – Tampa Bay Times –Small businesses are the engine of our economy. They create jobs, generate revenue, and embody the spirit of innovation and entrepreneurship in cities across the country. And that ho...
4. AutoBlow AI+: Best For Blowjobs! Autoblow AI+ is the best model for realistic oral sex simulations. The well-made masturbator features a powerful, all-metal motor to churn out ten different masturbation settings. The assorted experiences include intense and mild strokes to ensure there’s ...
It’s time for me to get up to speed and considering TypeScript is a superset of JavaScript the learning curve should be OK for me! The best way to learn is to do right? With that in mind I’ve started a project to build a TypeScript Reddit Api Client. It’s pretty simple. You...