Going back to the first person narrative … I’ve read books before, in which a first person narrative is used but it switches between characters for the different chapters. This book also switches – but not until maybe 9/10 of the way into the book. Then it switches for most of one ...
For more than 40 years, the Golden Raspberry Awards — better known as “The Razzies”— have been given out the weekend of the Academy Awards to the worst movies of the year. Or at least that’s how they’re supposed to work. In practice, Razzie voters (at last public count, ...
This style works in some graphic novels, but I definitely don’t feel like it enhances the story in any way. This looks like a Veronica and Betty style comic meant to appeal to sixth graders. Which brings me to: Who is this for? Based on the simplicity of the script, the whole ‘ac...