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Seekr A multi-purpose all in one toolkit for gathering and managing OSINT-Data with a neat web-interface. Can be used for note taking and username checking. Sherlock - Search for a username in multiple platforms/websites. SherlockEye - Search for publicly available information connected to a ...
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Flexible work has evolved quickly over the past couple of years, and so has the supporting technology and ways of working that we have developed to best get...
With Keynote installed, I can edit any Powerpoint on go, and with Notability and other iPad apps, I can actually edit PDFs as well. iPad is also projector ready with a dongle. If I have to share files, one touch of Mail app and files are shared. All ...
It is important to note that these two, when consumed at the right amount, can lead to a number of benefits, all of which are different from each other. Cbd is generally used for a lot of relieving such as pain, anxiety, and for other forms of treatment whereas Thc is used for impro...
They show how a variety of organizations and academic institutions are taking the first steps to use AI solutions for social good. The organizations are not necessarily noncommercial; some are commercial companies either working on social good causes or...
We’re looking for top talent that shares our passion and wants to be part of a fast-moving and highly execution-oriented team. Follow us on LinkedIn A Final Note: You do not need to match every listed expectation to apply for this position. Here at Zoox, we know that diverse ...
Like a Galaxy smartphone, clicking the S-Pen stylus triggers what Samsung calls Air Command: a menu of apps that allows you to ink on the screen and save the result, create a Samsung Note, project an area of the screen to another display, or simply “smart select” ...