Code names Ex and Meridian are synonymous for ‘guaranteed death’ to international terrorists. Two broken men from the same crooked streets, recruited into an unsanctioned government program that few know about. Trained to operate most efficiently—lethally—together. When Ex returns from an op in ...
Naturally, she is like a wide eyed lamb in a world of wolves. Sure enough she soon is taken (briefly) under the wing of an arch-wolf, Cesar Romero. But she finds she has attracted a good fairy of her own, Detlaff the waiter (Reginald Owen). If one thinks of Owen solely from ...
given their own attention, starting in ‘The Olympians’ section with their name and title (such as Zeus, God of the Sky, Weather, Destiny, and Law and Order; King of the Gods) as well as other names the figure may be known as (ie: “Jupiter, Jove (both Roman/Latin)” for Zeus)...
Example Spring Batch application for importing large CSV file as described on my blog - Spring-Batch-CSV-Example/src/main/resources/animescsv.csv at master · michaelcgood/Spring-Batch-CSV-Example
more non-English writers, less familiar names, and I’m pleased that even the names I’m already familiar with aren’t really household names and are entirely deserving of a more global readership. Deep gratitude goes to the judges this year for saving a prize that I had almost given up ...
A couple of times he threw me in with the wolves when my lesson plans weren’t up to scratch and he told me afterwards. He said, “I knew this lesson wasn’t going to work out.” I learnt more from those experiences of failing terribly and miserably than from anything else. These ...
Tactical advice for couples looking for a defense: Look up what subsidies are available, and what child care locations have decent reviews, and be prepared to drop names and actual amounts. MAKE SURE that you use the TAKE HOME PAY as your comparison, not the raw sala...
then there are the characters themselves some we know and new ones being introduced adding to the heavy weight as many of them have two names we must keep track of. This really is a story that will drag you into a world of mystery, intrigue, and danger with characters that come alive ...
Having been a judge in the past, you don’t really want to name names in these things especially now given (i) the fragile state of it all as Jeff noted and (ii) the majority of the uninvolved beer writing that does not get itself self-nominated so, you know, it’s all a bit ...
This can be inferred from Psymon’s “regrets” about bad timing as well as the user’s choice to give the cubs names. Shelter is used as a platform to negotiate loss-related fears, such as causing the death of a more vulnerable other through neglect or dangerous behaviour. Speaking ‘...