Yes, there is a woman who claims her pet alligator is just like her dogs, a dolphin trainer who slept with a dolphin and not in the innocent way, and a zoologist who uses a cheetah as a pillow (Okay, this one is pretty cute). Sure, these people have not been killed by these stra...
Specializing in dogs, cats and babies." 专门从事犬类猫类以及婴儿照相 Forget it. I'm not exploiting my baby. 没门儿 我可不会用我家宝宝去赚钱的 But we don't have a dog or a cat. 可我们又没有狗或猫 Mom, come on. 妈妈 考虑下吧 This could be a big break for Charlie. 这可能是查...
46. Whoknew?She'sactuallygoodforsomething 47. Besidesdroolingandpooping. 48. "WalterLouperphotography. 49. Specializingindogs,catsandbabies." 50. Forgetit.I'mnotexploitingmybaby. 51. Butwedon'thaveadogoracat. 52. Mom,comeon. 53. ThiscouldbeabigbreakforCharlie. ...