For lunch in Udupi, we order pomfret and ‘disco’ fish at the legendary Hotel Thimmappa. Across South India, every town has its equivalent of the Thimmappa – a bustling restaurant, mostly for working people – that serves super-local food at super-affordable prices. To a visitor, these ...
Certified USDA Organic Black Oil Sunflower Seeds in shell. Highest quality seeds available on the market packed by one of the most respected names in the Industry – Harrison’s Bird Diets International. Accept no substitutions- Look for the Wild Wings label and UPC code on the package. ...
The silver pendant has Hebrew engravings believed to spell divine names and corresponding psalms. On the other hand, the chariot is a3D gold star of David. Together, they release special energies that bestow the wearer with abundance and success. Wear it to work or school whenever you will hav...
I pray that I would rightly see You as the great and gracious giver that You are. You are the one who gives and takes away. I pray that I would take refuge in the shadow of Your wings, trusting that whatever You have planned is for my good and for Your glory. Help me to be hum...
I drain, then enjoy for a cool, crispy snack. And they taste really good with these spring rolls. Try to wrap these as tightly as possible. First, they’ll look prettier, but it will help keep the oil out of the roll. The dried wood ear mushroom has SO many names. Every time I...
ridin’ dress and holdin’ a huntin’ crop, and the name underneath is ‘Mary Ella Adelgisa de Vaignecourt’ and it was after her that the old Squire called his daughter Maryllia, rollin’ the two fust names, Mary Elia, into one, as it were, just to make a name what none of ...
Names of people and places would come up but like a jumbled jigsaw, a casual observer would fail to connect the pieces. He let her ramble on until she tired herself and dozed off. When her eyes peeped out of the thick layers of skin that covered them, the sun was already beginning to...
Houston’s freeways all have alternate names, and you must know them to get around the city. If you ask directions, someone’s going to mention the Katy Freeway, (I-10) the North Freeway, or the Gulf Freeway. (I-45 north and south, respectively.) Don’t forget the Sam Houston ...
2 (a) ~ (at sth) (often used with names of occupations or with ns derived from vs 常与职业名称或动词派生的名词连用) able to perform satisfactorily; competent 表现令人满意的; 有能力的: a good teacher, hairdresser, poet, etc 优秀的教师、 理发 师、诗人等 *| good at mathematics, ...
so that it will leave them neither root nor branch. But for you who fear my name, the sun of righteousness shall rise with healing in its wings. You shall go out leaping like calves from the stall. 3 And you shall tread down the wicked, for they will be ashes under the soles of ...