Also, some breeders do additional tests, for example, testing dogs for deafness before breeding. Avoid puppy mills that have no concern for the health of the dogs. Also, look for parent breeds that are known for their longevity. The mother Cocker Spaniel may even give you a good indication ...
Most people know that Golden Retrieversand Labrador Retrievers are great at swimming, but that's likely because these are some of themost popular breedswe often see near lakes and swimming pools. In truth, they aren’t the only ones, so we've compiled a list of the 20 best swimming dogs...
Just like their distant cousin, the golden retriever, the Labrador is quite smart, in addition to being really alert and intuitive. The intelligence level ofLabrador Retrieversmakes training these dogs a quick and easy practice. Their dedication to work and commands once trained is paramount, makin...
Example Spring Batch application for importing large CSV file as described on my blog - Spring-Batch-CSV-Example/src/main/resources/animescsv.csv at master · michaelcgood/Spring-Batch-CSV-Example