Its engaging story, strong acting, and compelling historical context make Names in Marble a unique and vital addition to the canon of films about communism. By focusing on the struggles of a small nation fighting for independence, this film offers a fresh and insightful perspective on the global...
Although she is having an affair with Lord Robert Dudley, Queen Elizabeth agrees to consider Mary of Guise's suggestion of marrying the latter's nephew Henry of France, which would build an alliance between the two countries. However she ends up rejecting him in favor of Dudley, only to ban...
Since then, she’s been on a streak of smashing objectives and breaking limitations. Thanks to her commitment to high quality content material, she’s recognized as one of many top bloggers in Asia. Over the previous 10 years, she has traveled throughout fifty five countries, spoken on profe...
He sang, “I got my Hush Puppies on. I guess I was never meant for glitter rock and roll.” It took three years for Buffett to return to the Top 40, and it came in a big way in the spring of 1977 when the Floridian traded in his Hush Puppies for flip flops in the fictional ...
aA Stock character is a fictional character based on a common literary or social stereotype. Stock characters rely heavily on cultural types or names for their personality, manner of speech, and other characteristics. In their most general form, stock characters are related to literary archetypes, ...
Names are not changed. You’re guilty and you know it. Ken (McLean, VA ’95) Him: I’m buying the first round. Me thinking: Who says I’m staying for more than one? Him: Whatever else we order, it can’t have garlic. Why does everything have to have garlic in it?
of children worldwide: Today, it operates programs in 192 countries. The U.N. established this organization in 1946 to care for children in postwar regions like Europe and China. The organization's mission has since expanded to address the needs of children and women in developing cou...
) So, I’m totally taking the credit for the fact that this year we have the pleasure of being introduced to more non-English writers, less familiar names, and I’m pleased that even the names I’m already familiar with aren’t really household names and are entirely deserving of a ...
Make them stop writing the names of celebrities and fictional characters they hate in their own "Death Notes". Make them stop comparing Light Yagami with Hitler. Make them stop asking for a Season 3 of the anime because it's over, and there's no chance of it getting another season or ...
Speaking of names, if I had an airship of this design, I would christen it The General Letitia Longbottom. Imagine the deep bulbous echoey bass drum sound it would make when a one-piece-bathing-suit-model in high heels and a princess tiara tried to break a champagne bottle on the nose...