YOU affirm that watching XXX rated pornographic images and movies does not violate national, state, provincial, or local laws where you are located. YOU hereby acknowledge that you wish to view sexually explicit content, and that you are not offended by watching gay porn or viewing XXX rated ...
As a child, Cathy experienced extended molestation, which caused her to dissociate from her body and feel huge shame about her body. As she grew older, she also gained weight, which left her feeling like no one would ever want her. ...
9) Nine Pretty Great Lesbian Vampire Movies by Sara Century “Almost unfailingly exploitative in its portrayal of queer women, this specific sub-genre of film stands alone in a few ways, not the least of which being that the vampires, while murderous and ultimately doomed, are powerful, lonely...
These are the best sad movies to watch when you need a good cry, from heartbreaking romance tearjerkers to epic war movies and award-winning dramas.
As usual, we give our thoughts on what we like and what we don’t. Two movies are worth a watch. One is not. I’m sure you know which one. Joining us on this ride through insanity is Kittyhawk, and Pablo drops by later in the show! Yep, the gang’s all here for this spectac...
“Art College 1994” (Dekanalog)“Captain Avispa” (Spanglish Movies)“Chicken for Linda!” (GKIDS)“The Colors Within” (GKIDS)“The Day the Earth Blew Up: A Looney Tunes Movie” (Warner Bros. Animation)“Despicable Me 4” (Illumination)“Flow” (Sideshow | Janus Films)“The Garfield Mov...
Sullavan, unusually delightful: Marshall, unexpectedly funny and miles from his other Wyler roles (The Letter, The Little Foxes): bumbling, hilarious Morgan: beautifully daft Owen, and a madcap drunk act by Blore. The WYLER touch and the STURGES craziness combine beautifully in this unfairly ...
the Napsta gets into the real meat of this special as he talks about his own father – or his two dads, the sober one and the drunk one – and the father figures in his life. You might feel that jolt of recognition as he talks about the male generation that doesn’t express ...
I think it deserves an overall rating closer to 9, its one of the best movies of all times.There are actually very few evergreen movies that one likes to see again and again, this is one of them, you always feel great after watching it.The final court room scene between Tom Cruise ...
Looking for feel-good movies 🎬 to lift your spirits? Dive into our collection of heartwarming flicks that guarantee smiles and good vibes. Find your dose of joy now!