Some sets can potentially drop Sub for both these moves, although I personally wouldn't recommend it as it makes Aegi much more prediction reliant, and makes it harder to keep in. Sub can however be run on Nido over Icebeam if Aegi packs toxic to better chip Lando. Aegi can also be ...
dragapult helps to wallbreak for scizor in the later part of the game so scizor has it easy to click bullet punch on weakened foes. + sets scizor and zeraora are great partners, they can pressure a lot of common pokemon offensively, such as dragapult, clefable, toxapex, corviknight, ...
Alternatively, you switched out to one of these for a pick and you want to use your actual moves rather than spamming U-Turn. The moves are self-explanatory and what they cover are fairly obvious. IMO the fourth move on either of them is really up in the air but the two options I ...
Other things I would put that I didn't see but don't have sets on me for. Thundurus + SD Bisharp LO Hydreigon + M-Lopunny (M-Scizor + Hydreigon to is a good one) Something with Lucario Volcarona cores...effective ones. Those ones right now aren't good :/. Even something like Dug...
You can protect with either of them to scout moves and decide on the best course of action. Now Heatran struggles immensely with taking earthquakes and earth powers. If you can predict an incoming ground move then it is safe to switch into Zard Y and get your sun up. The sun assists ...
-Mild Houndoom Checa si tiene egg moves importantes -Jolly Swelow Brave bird Timid Alakazam Encore -Careful Scizor -Timid Roserade Leaf Storm & Sleep power -timid Roserade Spikes electavire dale hp ice en las 2 natures 30/impar/30/31/31/31 gastrodon hp fire x] 31/30/31/30/31/30 (...
The offensive core gets ripped to shreds by most things with a scarf and a good Steel move, or powerful Steel priority (Scizor). The same applies for Steel type walls who do not take significant damage from the moves of the members. Additionally, both members of the offensive core are som...
A common switch-in to this Scizor set is Heatran so it can U-turn against it on the switch and bring in Nidoking to defeat it, being able to wallbreak there and Nidoking's coverage moves help with some Scizor checks like Tankchomp and Skarmory. + Offensive core: Gyarados + Solar ...