Good morning, Vietnam. This is war and you have to make it. Count how many times you hear good morning every day. Multiply by 10 and that’s your % of having an awesome day. Say good morning like you actually mean it. Hey Dude be willing to be a beginner every single morning. Be...
a man with a big heart and an intellectual disability, takes us through his life’s story, which is tied up in major historical events like the Vietnam War and the Watergate Scandal, as he sits at a bus stop. There are moments in his tale when you’ll laugh and certainly cry, but ...
Harmon, 72, served in Vietnam. "They [the veterans] can’t say they don’t understand, because I do," Harmon said. "The whole idea is to show them I’ve been there. I understand, and I fight for them." 5-year-old dresses as Bernie Sanders inauguration meme for school party Also...
Anyway, speaking of The Netherlands, Ron has been in Vietnam revealing all on the breakfasts to be found near the lobby among other things. And, elsewhere, Stan is reporting from the hop fields again, with his jam packed June 2023 edition of Hop Queries now out. This month we learn ...
Anyway, speaking of The Netherlands, Ron has been in Vietnam revealing all on the breakfasts to be found near the lobby among other things. And, elsewhere, Stan is reporting from the hop fields again, with his jam packed June 2023 edition of Hop Queries now out. This month we learn ...
At their next meeting, how Sean defends himself from Will’s attacks by unapologetically sharing his own life experiences, from Vietnam to his decades-long marriage, sets the rhythm of their sessions moving forward. “Your move, chief,” Sean says, and his return shot pushes their rel...