Playboy vet Henry sets his heart on romancing Lucy, but she has short-term memory loss; she can't remember anything that happened the day before. So every morning, Henry has to woo her again. Her friends and family are very protective, and Henry must convince them that he's in it for...
Also ranks #2 on The 35 Best 1980s Fantasy Movies (According To Rotten Tomatoes), Ranked 151 The Prince of Egypt Val Kilmer, Ralph Fiennes, Michelle Pfeiffer 841 votes In this animated retelling of the Book of Exodus, Egyptian Prince Moses (Val Kilmer), upon discovering his roots as a Je...
6."VeronicaMars"[thefirstquarterandthesecondquarter canstill,campus+detective,8.5points,thethirdquarter ofthegiantcutrotten,so,theprotagonististhesecond seasonofHeroesLixinfromthedischargeoffemale,whatdo youcallthat?] 7.[Heroes][needlesstosay,thefirstseasonwasgreat,the ...