To make your Wednesday truly fantastic, consider sharing motivational messages along with your good morning images. These messages could be quotes from famous thinkers, affirmations of self-belief, or simply positive vibes that encourage others to embrace the day. For example: “Every morning brings ...
After Isla San Cristóbal we took the public ferry to Isla Santa Cruz. It is recommended to take sea sickness medication. I popped one pill first thing in the morning because for the whole trip up until this point, one pill per day made me feel fine. It should be noted that the Dramam...
As one who always likes to have legitimate experiences that I can share with my social following and existing list I immediately ordered up some products the night I joined (was actually a Thursday night before the matrix filling) and the next morning saw the order had been shipped. I ...
there are places in our world, right now in 2022, where the daily goal is SURVIVAL, and I was near tears Thursday morning thinking I lost an Apple earbud. So why me? Why us? How did we get so lucky? It’s not by chance. It’s because we live in America. And something this bea...