Old Testament - the collection of books comprising the sacred scripture of the Hebrews and recording their history as the chosen people; the first half of the Christian Bible Hagiographa, Ketubim, Writings - the third of three divisions of the Hebrew Scriptures ...
b.The Scriptures; the Bible. 7.ComputersA set of bits that is of a fixed size and is typically operated on by a computer's processor. tr.v.word·ed,word·ing,words To express in words:worded the petition carefully. interj. SlangUsed to express approval or an affirmative response to som...
The Good Book of the Humanist Bible: The UnWrit Book of Books of the UnHoly Scriptures and the UnVarnished Gospel Truth of RealityAustin P. Torney
morning(n.) "first part of the day" (technically from midnight to noon), late 14c., a contraction of mid-13c.morwenynge, moregeninge, frommorn, morewen(seemorn) + suffix-ing, on pattern ofevening. Originally the time just before sunrise. ...
So if you’re going to drive the Bible-study Batmobile, make sure you’re willing to play the Bible-study Batman. You get out what you put in—which means you have to invest time in learning the software, learning the lingo, and learning the Scriptures in order to make this investment...
When it comes to looking at the Bible, all Scripture is profitable and good and can be used of God. Yet there are certain Scriptures that naturally draw our attention since we are approaching the very end of the world. 如此我们做什么以我们的时间? 当它来到看圣经时,所有圣经是有益和好,并且...
Live the Let-Go Life Thoughts for Let-Go Living No More MInd Games Give Me This Mountain Unstoppable Faith AnchoredFinding Peace In the Storms of Life A Life Worth Living Right Place Right Time Healing Scriptures The Benjamin Generation
Connections to Other ScripturesJohn 1:1-5This passage connects to Genesis 1:4 by identifying Jesus as the Word and the true Light, emphasizing the divine nature of light and its role in creation.2 Corinthians 4:6Paul speaks of God commanding light to shine out of darkness, paralleling the ...
But I recognize that Christians of good will, who have equal commitments to the inspiration and authority of the Scriptures, see this issue differently. That is why I have engaged the biblical texts in detail in that series of posts, and in even more detail in a separate blog. (If you ...
Good Morning Good Quotes Just one small positive thought in the morning can change your whole day. —Dalai Lama 305 Even after all this time, the sun never says to the earth, 'you owe me.' Look what happens with a love like that! It lights up the whole sky. —Unknown Author ...