Good morning meme caption: A funny morning breath meme to send to someone with stinky breath. This good morning meme is relatable to parents with little kids. When you heat the kids wake up in the morning – SO IT BEGINS. (Don’t miss ourtoddler memes!) Parents know this all too well...
Good Morning Gwinnett Gwinnett County is evaluating whether to opt out of the newly introduced Statewide Adjusted Base Year Homestead Exemption under House Bill 581... AITechnology The Best Explanation About The AI Wars The AI Wars are in full effect. Artificial Intelligence (AI) is changing the...
Twitter is abuzz this morning as news hit ofBill Simmons departure from ESPN. What happens over the next few months will go a long way to determine if ESPN built Saturday Night Live or was content to employ Johnny Carson. In a quick survey, sentiment is leaning heavily toward Simmons being...
Chris and I took Ada to the vet on Saturday morning, who confirmed what we suspected. They gave us some pain medication to try to keep her comfortable. But it isn’t really working, and she’s suffering. One of the hardest parts of having a pet is figuring out when it’s time to ...
Finally, not much to say about the mutiny not mutiny in Russia last weekend except that I saw this totally clickable image from early Saturday morning from Rostov which now captures the whole thing for me. A bleary guy in sandles looking like he’s out for his first coffee, standing mere...
realizing our youngest kid is definitely old enough to be left for a few hours every week - doing stuff we've never ever done for no damned reason but that we hadn't, like taking baths together and going to the beach at night and walking around Miami on Saturday evenings and blaring mu...
* Get up earlier; 1 hr writing each morning.* 1 hr. on the drums in the evening (on nights when I'm not working/holding a practice/etc.)More nebulous long-term goal-ish things:* Learn more math + programming to work on mathematical modeling of hyperspatial geometry* Make educational ...
In this current iteration of “L’Oréal Blackett,” I find that I am, more often than not, simply doing nothing outside of the realms of work and adulting. And I am bored. So bored. But this isn’t a cry for help.
Ron has been looking for a new local and last Saturday found himself with his gang checking out a really good looking stop in Amsterdam called Soundgarden –offering us a pretty good photo essay: Soundgarden is slightly unusual as it backs directly onto a canal. Which gives it a nice view....
One morning my roommate poured a shot to wake up. He woke up alright when he downed a shot of undiluted soy sauce. accordingtohoyt says: January 2, 2021 at 5:19 pm ROFL. Oldest third-son (We had him by adoption as an adult, so he’s both third and oldest) has French press ...