I don't feel very good this morning.bien, sano, en forma noun 1. advantage or benefit. He worked for the good of the poor; for your own good; What's the good of a broken-down car?bien, provecho, beneficio 2. goodness. I always try to see the good in people.bien, bondad, ...
Although if we want to show more courtesy, the greetings in spanish Commonly used are: Good Morning. Good afternoon. Goodnight. If we want to go a little further than the good afternoon greetings, good morning and good night, we can also ask the person about their state of feeling : Ho...
17. free of distress or pain; comfortable: a patient in good condition. 18. agreeable; enjoyable: Have a good time. 19. attractive: She has a good figure. 20. (of the complexion) smooth; free from blemish. 21. close; warm: She's a good friend. 22. sufficient or ample: a good...
People who live in the border country know that people move across it all the time, and yet if you look at the border in larger perspective, over centuries instead of years, you realize that it’s not just the people who move, it’s the border that moves, so that the same piece of...
in bed reading wasn’t a problem. Moving around was. It was the kind or pain you get when you’ve cracked a rib. I know that pain. Cracked ribs a couple or times and even separated my sternum once. Definitely not fun. I told myself if I didn’t feel better in the morning I’...
We wish him good luck and thank him for his contribution this morning. 我们祝他好运,感谢他今天上午的发言。 UN-2 Good luck, Roland. 好运, Roland. OpenSubtitles2018.v3 Good luck with that. 那 祝你们 好运 OpenSubtitles2018.v3 May God bring you good luck and health, my brothers...
Donovan Nagel- B. Th, MA AppLing I'm an Applied Linguistics graduate, teacher and translator with a passion for language learning (especially Arabic). Currently learning: Greek COMMENTS Comment Policy:I love comments and feedback (positive and negative) but I have my limits. You're in my ho...
Two days later, visiting the temple town of Subramanya, my guide Jeffin encourages me to take a dawn swim with pilgrims in the sacred Kumaradhara river. The next morning, at daybreak, even as I’m walking towards the stone steps of the bathing spot, an Indian man approaches me, with ...
Here’s an article that got me thinking this morning, à propos of Vegan January. I won’t force-feed the whole article on you, just this excerpt: “Eat this, replace that, don’t cook those. I find it’s easy to get inundated with dietary advice from a health perspective let alone...
I began early the next morning by eating at a place recommended to me by my lady-friend, “The Coffee Cup Restaurant”. Founded in 1945, it serves a hearty breakfast that includes “Nassau grits”. (This includes onions and tomatoes.) I took in the weekly street market on Palofax after...