It takes time to learn a new language. Therefore, to break the ice with a person that speaks a different language is to say good morning in their language. Let’s have a look at how to say good morning in a different language. 1- Good Morning in Afrikaans Afrikaans say good morning ...
|Pleased to meet you|Good morning|Good afternoon|Good evening|Good night|Goodbye|Good luck|Cheers!|Have a nice day|Have a nice weekend|Bon appetit|Bon voyage|Yes, No|Maybe|I don't know|Do you understand?|I understand|I don't understand|Please speak more slowly|Please say that again|...
请教我一个使用Good morning Good afternoon Good evening we have Bosnian neighbors and I want to be able to greet them naturally and formally的例句。 最好是在日常生活中经常使用的句子。 almajusic76 2020年12月3日 波斯尼亚语 Dobro jutro Ugodno popodne ...
☆┣BOY┫☆120501╣╠视频★Good morning boyfriend k.will 转自:@死忠BF_炫珉高调不解释 其实标题素这样的:Good morning boyfriend k.will sistar 法国青山[貌似我没看见过哈] ———封— 分享44赞 崔始源吧 Archeechow 【☆☆ELF☆110324☆】goodwill联手MGI打造的《E.L.F Song 》带歌词担任Super Junior...