I am OSR because I resist the idea that good/evil doesn’t matter. My monsters remain monsters, not half-monsters that can be ‘good’ (i.e. a monster in the FF or MM cannot be a PC). My players and/or party must remain Tolkien-esque. Orcs are bad. Elves are good. My heroes...
That’s why, in my rant about not dropping too-powerful monsters in front of low-level losers, I specifically called outmodernD&D. Modern D&D starts with v.3 and encompasses everything thereafter. IncludingPathfinderand many other TTRPGs that take their cues from D&D. Those games are built ...
For example, a Guardian dog can make opportunity attacks whenever a creature within five feet disengages or hits another target. Meanwhile, a Spirit Hunter dog uses magical bites tograppleand knockproneDnD monstersthat would usually be immune to the conditions. It’s notallabout fighting, though....
My monsters are evil and savage and it shows in their behavior. You risk actual death by being at 0 because something is going to finish the job. I homebrew the heck out of healing. It isn't all that complex but, whenever someone recieves magical healing they can use the...
它们是dnd核心规则的简称,3r就是dnd3.5版,4e就是4版 如?来! 1-31 7 【请拜祖先】传说中的“香港产廉价怪物”们 謎ベ奇异果 感谢山寨厂,你今天看的《怪物图鉴》有山卡拉作坊的一份功劳:) 手癌,更多请见 http://diterlizzi.com/home/owlbears-rust-monsters-and-bulettes-o 共4 张 姜伯月 1-...
它们是dnd核心规则的简称,3r就是dnd3.5版,4e就是4版 如?来! 1-31 7 【请拜祖先】传说中的“香港产廉价怪物”们 謎ベ奇异果 感谢山寨厂,你今天看的《怪物图鉴》有山卡拉作坊的一份功劳:) 手癌,更多请见 http://diterlizzi.com/home/owlbears-rust-monsters-and-bulettes-o 共4 张 姜伯月 1-...
它们是dnd核心规则的简称,3r就是dnd3.5版,4e就是4版 如?来! 1-31 7 【请拜祖先】传说中的“香港产廉价怪物”们 謎ベ奇异果 感谢山寨厂,你今天看的《怪物图鉴》有山卡拉作坊的一份功劳:) 手癌,更多请见 http://diterlizzi.com/home/owlbears-rust-monsters-and-bulettes-o 共4 张 姜伯月 1-...