Audition Monologues, audition monologues for teens, audition monologues for women, good monologues for auditions, monologues for auditions
Contemporary Monologues for Men: The Good Audition Guides 类型:简装书作者:James, TrilbyISBN13:9781854595638出版于:2014-01-23 普通订购213元255元国外仓库 至苏州发货中心至 客户地址(中国大陆地址顺丰包邮)苏州发货中心发货时间:02月25日~03月03日(受春节影响),请在今天17点前付款 ...
* Secondly, make sure you know your monologues (if that is what’s required, it may be a cold read), you should have practiced them out loud in front of a variety of people to get a diversity of opinions, if this is not possible you may find it useful to record yourself, this giv...