In an alternate universe where Mojang never changed its textures and made 1.14 the final version of Minecraft. This modpack is basically what I would've wanted for a final update for Minecraft. This is a small modpack and I uploaded this modpack so other people can try it out. Fun for...
Yes, you definitely can. Just make to provide credit to all the authors respectively and link back to the CurseForge page. Can I redistribute this mod onto other platforms? Yes, but before doing so make sure that all downloads are directly linked to CurseForge and provide credit to all the...
Universal Wood Compat: Quark, Twilight Forest, Twigs, Another Furniture, Farmers Delight, Macaw's, Valhelsia, Architects Palette, Deco Blocks, Crayfish FM
In Good Phantom, you play as a phantom that dives into the dreams of Minecraft players. Fend off nightmares as you rush to complete all 3 portal frames in each dream. Map can be played with 1-24 players Resource pack is required to play (included with world download) Game Modes Score A...
Members Deadlydiamond98Owner 00ffaaTester My Mods:
Bottle Your Xp don't lose your experience put it in bottles to save for later Mc2Discord PS: ModdedSMP1000 is our server my Discord server for this server Want your own SMP and or server? Here's your chance to get 15% off the fir...
CurseForge - a world of endless gaming possibilities for modders and gamers alike.Download the best mods and addons! Games All games Minecraft World of Warcraft The Sims 4 Starcraft II Kerbal Space Program Minecraft Dungeons World of Tanks Create Start a project Project submission guide Author ...
Building But Better (FORGE): Fixed the logic providing the wrong resourcelocation of textures for frame in two different version: v1.0.1 and v1.1.1 MULTIPLE SUPPORTED MODs: Fixed the texture not being generated for Mo' Shiz Mod Chipped (COMMON) Macaw's Windows (COMMON) Create (COMMON)...
-Building Mods The last in the category as of now, there are countless added furniture, new blocks, and ways to express yourself in the creative way. There is also diagonal building for fences/walls/glass panes. The Overgrowth This modpack uses the afformentioned Overgrowth mod, if you don...
NeoForge implementation "curse.maven:every-compat-628539:6133323" Copy to clipboard Curse Maven does not yet support mods that have disabled 3rd party sharing Learn more about Curse Maven Changelog Additional Files Related Projects ### UPDATED:- **Every Compat** (COMMON): Backported the fixes fo...