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OECD GLP Principles经济合作与发展组织GLP 原则Suzhou ResearchLeoLiu西山中科刘振超9. Reporting of Study Results报告9.1 General 总则9.1.1A final
OECD-Good-laboratory-practice-(GLP)中英文对照PPT版.ppt,OECD GLP Principles 经济合作与发展组织GLP 原则Suzhou Research-LeoLiu西山中科-刘振超 9. Reporting of Study Results 报告9.1 General 总则9.1.1A final report should be prepared for each study. In the cas
下载后只包含 1 个 PPT 格式的文档,没有任何的图纸或源代码,查看文件列表 如果您已付费下载过本站文档,您可以点这里二次下载分享 预览 下载此文档 OECD Good laboratory practice (GLP)中英文对照版.ppt 上传人:aena45 2022/9/19 文件大小:39 KB 下载得到文件列表 OECD Good laboratory practice (GLP)中英文...
OECD Good laboratory practice (GLP)中英文对照PPT版 下载积分: 1000 内容提示: OECD GLP Principles经济合作与发展组织GLP 原则Suzhou Research-LeoLiu西山中科-刘振超 文档格式:PPTX | 页数:21 | 浏览次数:190 | 上传日期:2018-03-05 17:31:47 | 文档星级: OECD GLP Principles经济合作与发展组织GLP 原则...
9.1General总则 9.1.3ThefinalreportshouldbesignedanddatedbytheStudyDirectortoindicateacceptanceofresponsibilityforthevalidityofthedata.TheextentofcompliancewiththesePrinciplesofGoodLaboratoryPracticeshouldbeindicated.9.1.3最终报告一定要得到SD的签署,表示SD愿意对数据有效性负责。最终报告要标明专题遵从GLP原则的程度...
内容提示: 3 GLP: Good Laboratory Practice Isin Akyar Acibadem University Faculty of Medicine Department of Medical Microbiology Turkey 1. Introduction In the early 70’s FDA (United States Food and Drug administration) have realized cases of poor laboratory practice throughout the United States. ...
Good Laboratory Practice (GLP) is a formal legally defined term that encapsulates the practice of using a standardized set of guidelines to generate reproducible results that can be validated by replicating experimental conditions. From:Clinical and Translational Science,2009 ...
Good laboratory practice(GLP) as a management system,has become an international standard for research laboratories engaged in safety research all over the world.The primary objective of the OECD principles of good laboratory practice(GLP) is to ensure the generation of high quality and reliable test...