handle traps, notice what's hidden, etc.. Rangers have a connection to nature, but it's the connection a hunter would have; compare to a druid's connection, which is more of a caretaker of nature.
If you have to impose limits, I would think a better solution would be to say that one could only have 10 active berries from the spell, or to limit the number of berries the druid can find useable for the spell. Work within the mechanics. This would allow you to stay closer...
then you get some cool stuff but not as many cool things. The hag cleared out a good portion of her magic items before you arrived because you took so long. That's what she was doing while you rested. If you beat her after needing 2 or more Long Rests, you get stuff, but the ...
If you're severely limiting the party access to magical items, particularly magical weapons, then any weapon-dependent party members you might have are likely to fall behind your primary spellcasters. Similarly, there are magic items that you can add in that will im...
Endowment Effect: people assign a higher value to things that they have than they would to the same thing if they didn't have it (eg., would pay up to $X for the thing, but wouldn't sell it for less than $X+Y) Vancian magic: D&D/Pathfinder's magic system is Vancian; Harry ...