of strange, unclear rules about which of the rabbit's feet is th e luckiest. It is said that this good luck tradition is th e oldest on e of all. However, as th e funny saving g 27,"Depend on th e rabbit's foot if you will, but remember it didn't w 28 for th e rabbit!
good不同类。rabbit意思是“兔子”,是名词。比如Look at the rabbit.It's funny.(看这只兔子,它很有趣)。foot意思是“脚”,是名词。比如Stamp your foot(跺跺你的脚)。good意思是“好的,好地”,可以做副词,也可以做形容词。rabbit和foot都是名词,good是形容词或副词,所以good不同类。
Finally the rabbit’s burrowing ability in darkness may have lent it luck for venturing into the unknown. Of all body parts, why did they choose the rabbit’s foot? Although various parts of rabbits were used as lucky charms, including the tail, ears and even the innards, the foot was ...
Gregory, LeeCentral States Archaeological Journal
根据“Western people see the rabbit (兔子) as a sign of good luck.”可知,西方人把兔子看作是好运的象征。故选B。 (2)题详解: 细节理解题。根据“If teenage hunters (猎人) caught a rabbit, they could get the animal’s hind foot (后腿).”可知,得到兔子的后腿,故选D。 (3)题详解: ...
several of which deal with the Catholic religion, where having a cross in the house or a necklace with a cross or the image of the Virgin Mary to keep them safe. A less culture-specific good luck charm, the rabbit’s foot, is still a popular good luck charm in Spanish-speaking countri...
If you find one you should keep it to bring yourself luck. rabbit’s foot A rabbit’s foot is believed to be lucky in many cultures in Europe, Asia, Africa, and America. horseshoe Some people believe hanging a horseshoe (with the pointed ends up) brings good luck to the place where ...
Many people carry a rabbit's foot or four-leaf clover for a good luck charm. good luck soupn(bean soup of southern US)(美国南部)SCSimplified Chinese好运汤 SCSimplified Chinese炖豆汤 在这些条目还发现'good luck': 在英文解释里: break a leg-fingers crossed-four-leaf clover-get a break-get...
34、B 细节理解题 根据第四段Somepeoplebelievethatrabbitsareluckyanimals,sotheycarryapartoftherabbit,itsfoot,forgoodluck.Thereareallkindsofstrange,unclearrulesaboutwhichoftherabbit'sfeetistheluckiest.Itissaidthatthisgoodlucktraditionistheoldestoneofall"一些人认为兔子是幸运动物,所以他们携带兔子的身体部位--...