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135 專輯內容主要以著名年輕作家Vex King的英文作品,Good Vibes, Good Life這本書的精彩篇章的閱讀,與君共勉。 也要感謝您的關注|me:普普通通留英海龟��教育學碩士|對外英語教育專業畢業|原學而思一對一精品課講師|也曾在國內外一些機構負責過授課有幸幫助過以中國學生為主的20多個國家各個年齡段的英語學習...
Gain a complete understanding of “Good Vibes, Good Life” by Vex King from Blinkist. The “Good Vibes, Good Life” book summary will give you access to a synopsis of key ideas, a short story, and an audio summary.
Embrace good vibes and learn to letthings flow. There is no need to force outcomes. Once you are in harmony with the Universe, what s meantto be yours will come to you. Life doesn’t battle you because you're weak, it battles you because you're strong. It knows that if it gives ...
1. Good Vibes, Good Life 经常在书店看到这本 Good Vibed, Good Life ,买来看。一开篇讲什么是 self-love,觉得还很有趣。 几年前创业时,还记得一次我和 Justin 坐高铁时聊天。Justin 说,你经常说要「爱自己」,那什么是爱自己呢?
Good Vibes, Good Life2018-12-4出版 想读 在读 读过 豆瓣评分TM打开App评分 6.7 70人评分电子书/纸质版购买128.00元起简介 A beautifully designed book full of inspiring quotes and tried-and-tested wisdom on using positivity to create a life you love.How can you learn to truly love yours......
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