Former Starcraft Grandmaster with Terran and Protoss, Hearthstone Legend 5x, Top 200 Player in Dota and Dota 2, Fortnite Champions League. 上传我的游戏视频到B站,是希望与中国的游戏爱好者交流技巧,同时也希望英语爱好者在观看我的视频的同时,精进英语听说能力。 商务合作请联系:
弗斯塔德 Falstad Gust - ONLY WAY WE WINNING IS IF THEY LEAVE THEIR KEYBOARDS... 20:22 死亡之翼 Deathwing Horrify - THATS A DEATHWING 20 DIFF! - Grandmaster Storm League 20:51 布雷泽 Blaze Bunker - MAIN TANK BLAZE! FEEL THE POWER OF OIL! 21:41 阿塔尼斯 Artanis Blind - STA...
” said Hayward. “They have even recorded themselves reading a few different books, and we have shown them to the girls during story time before bed. They have really enjoyed that. I know it has been a tough time for a lot of people, but...