students to become skilled and get good jobs, when scholars interrogate that line of thinking more deeply, they find that what many families and communities really care about is ensuring that their students are affirmed, cared for, and afforded dignity and agency (e.g., Ishimaru & Bang, 2022...
14 Using a scale of justice metaphor, he notes that even a recent California education funding initiative had still made this mistake when it had “ratcheted up accountability but with no real systematic capacity” and that it’s “a common mistake” among policymakers to “lead with ...
Distance learning students can be able to care for their families and incorporate instruction on online courses and this can afford them the opportunity to work while they are raising their family and pursuing their full-time jobs. Distance learning can also benefits students because of flexibility ...
The use of video games for assessment purposes is often referred to as a “stealth assessment” (e.g., Shute et al.2009; Wang et al.2015). During stealth assessments, candidates are less aware that they are being evaluated (Fetzer2015) because they can fully immerse themselves in the game...
Hawaii became the first of 34 other states to ratify the Equal Rights Amendment and prohibit discrimination on the basis of sex, but the bill hit anti-feminist backlash in the mid-'70s and failed to become ratified by the necessary 38 states by its July 1982 deadline. [Pictured: Women ...
sector for the State, create thousands of high-quality living-wage jobs, and address the challenges and opportunities that face our communities and the world to improve our quality of life. More information about the Hawai‘i Innovation Initiative is available online at
So Mr Sunak started well, got bogged down in detail in the middle and then ended badly, though he eventually did manage to land some blows on Labour on tax – as he has continued to do so throughout the election campaign. The two takeaways from the PM’s part o...
To assist. The airline has long supported foodbank charities like Lanakila Meals on Wheels and Hawaii Foodbank particularly over the last 2 weeks, putting in some 134 hours helping Hawaii Foodbank staff sort food inventory over the past two weeks. That number of engagement is only c...
In his final year, Ron fulfilled the lifelong dream of moving to Hawaii where he eagerly worked on his family brewery. He was excited about what the future was bringing and what he would be bringing to the world with Hilo Brewing Company/ Holoholo Brewing. He cherished moments spent on his...
hawaii hastily hanford handley gum greece gradual grab gown government's governed gotten gonna glow glorious glimpse gilborn geographical gavin gauge fox founding foster forehead folded flexibility flashed finest financed fighters fences fellows farms farming explosion exhibits excluding emerging earn dutch ...