CPU: 13700KF CPU Cooler: DEEPCOOL LS720 GPU: 4070 ASUS Duel If you need to see the other specs for a better idea of what I am working with let me know. Expand The laptop temps were resonable, high but resonable for a laptop. I'd say between 60-80c on th...
Temps are normal for CPU, around 106F depending, but the GPU, even when Premiere is open but idle, is around 124F, and the GPU RAM stays full. In the attached photo, you can see on the left of the large chart where it went to 100% and I...
Temps are normal for CPU, around 106F depending, but the GPU, even when Premiere is open but idle, is around 124F, and the GPU RAM stays full. In the attached photo, you can see on the left of the large chart where it went to 100% and I had to shut dow...
Temps are normal for CPU, around 106F depending, but the GPU, even when Premiere is open but idle, is around 124F, and the GPU RAM stays full. In the attached photo, you can see on the left of the large chart where it went to 100% and I had ...
Temps are normal for CPU, around 106F depending, but the GPU, even when Premiere is open but idle, is around 124F, and the GPU RAM stays full. In the attached photo, you can see on the left of the large chart where it went to 100% and I had to shut dow...