Some of us prefer Sublime Text 3 to the open source IDEs like Atom and VSCode. In Sublime you can get complete linting and spellchecking and auto-delinters for free, even in offline mode (no intrusive data slurping or EULA). Step 2. Install an Editor ...
The conductor of my choir famously tells us singers, “I only want everything all the time.” Well, as a developer, my mantra for code editors and IDEs (integrated development environments) is exactly that: I only want everything all the time. What’s “everything” in this context in ...
Rationale for Supported File Formats (For the curious.) The three file formats each have advantages. Java .properties: Java standard, built in to JVM Supported by many tools such as IDEs JSON: easy to generate programmatically well-defined and standard bad for human maintenance, with no way...
Well if I'd want to use an identation based language, then I would learn Python instead of doing this, not to mention that most of the IDEs will remove the indentation by auto formatting the code. I think the only place where this kind of chaining can be useful is piping streams in ...
Feb 25, 20252 mins Development Libraries and FrameworksRustWeb Development video What is LLVM? | The compiler infrastructure explained Feb 21, 20256 mins Python video What is software bill of materials? | SBOM explained Feb 18, 20254 mins ...
LLMs will become a integrated tool in IDEs to make coding easier and quicker. I think it's important to recognize that LLM/GPT tools are "dumb" in that they do not have any logical understanding of the output they are producing.They basically work by making statistical predictions based on...
Swing is old but reliable, cross-platform, and already integrated in various Java IDEs including Eclipse and NetBeans. But unless you’re using templates, you’ll notice interface inconsistencies. SWT uses native components but it’s not suitable for complicated UI. JavaFX is clean and modern-...
Node.js IDEs. Almost any popular code editor has support and plugins for JavaScript and Node.js, so it only matters how you customize your IDE to your coding needs. But, many developers highly praise special tools from VS Code, Brackets, Atom, and WebStorm. Frameworks. Using middleware over...
Well if I'd want to use an identation based language, then I would learn Python instead of doing this, not to mention that most of the IDEs will remove the indentation by auto formatting the code. I think the only place where this kind of chaining can be useful is pip...
Here, you’ll find a set of resources that proved helpful during my time at 42 School, along with some interesting finds that, while not as useful for 42 specifically, are still worth exploring. Happy coding! This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details...