Royal Victoria Dock, Western Gateway, 纽汉, 伦敦显示地图 开业:2016伦敦好酒店(Good Hotel London)是伦敦新装修的酒店之一。从酒店到伦敦城市机场2km远,到银城2km远,均很便捷。除此之外,至景宁镇地铁站只需步行前往。旅客们会发现水晶大楼和伦敦展览中心距离酒店都不远。酒店占尽地理之宜,查看更多 ...
London Royal Docks Open Water Swimming 130米 Emirates Air Line Cable Car - Royal Docks 150米 伦顿码头区轻轨 - 皇家维多利亚站 200米 The Crystal 240米 Royal Victoria Dock and Bridge 430米 伦顿码头区轻轨-伊克赛尔海关站 480米 Keir Hardie Park 550米 伦顿码头区轻轨 - 西银城站 570米 ExCeL Londo...
A moment’s walk from Royal Victoria DLR station, I’m greeted by what looks like a mass of grey sea containers stacked on a floating platform, linked to the docks by a drawbridge. Pulling my roller bag to the entrance, I feel like I’m boarding an ocean liner, only with large, squa...
このバケーションホームは、リバプールのビーチの近くに位置しています。スタンリードック タバコ倉庫とセントジョージ ホールは地域の人気スポット。ショッピング好きの方には、リバプール ONEやクレイトン スクエア ショッピングセンターがおすすめです。アンフィールド スタジアムで...
My wife and I came here particularly for dinner before the gig at Les Docks. The atmosphere was great with old rock n roll music that we both love, and the waitresses were very friendly. We ordered rustique burger (21fr with sides) and steak/ribs combo (26fr with sides). ...
Royal Mfg. Co. – waste Lewis E. Tracy Co, – waste “DUMPS:The practice of using the nearest vacant lot for the dumping of paper and filth continues; this is often done at night to prevent detection. People should place such materials in barrels or other receptacles and have them remove...
Michael(30:00): The art is the star. The art tells the story. We’re not going to mess with it…As a result there are 30 or 40 images there that help tell the story.We didn’t skimp! Phil (30:50): You want to have the audience have the questions in their minds before you ...
Pat and Sheila, an East London girl, came to the Tavern having run the New Gog, a pub in the Royal Docks north of the River. Pat, a barman at the pub, took over when the previous licensee committed suicide. One incident in 1963, when a young man, George Head, was “called out”...
This simulates waiting for someone to bring back a marina-owned dock cart from down the docks…..They always leave them outside their boats, until the marina “crew” get fed up with newbies like us asking why there aren’t any carts and go down the docks to retrieve them. Put all ...