This heart-wrenching Steven Spielberg masterpiece shines a light on the true story of Oskar Schindler, a German industrialist who saved over a thousand Jews during the Holocaust by employing them in his factory. Filmed in black and white for a stark effect, the movie captures the horror an...
We are also including some beloved horror franchises that deserve your time, from Scream to The Conjuring, in case you are brave enough to pull off a marathon. Also, as we mentioned earlier, we have an eye on 2024 movies that might surprise us. It's not always easy to find the righ...
Also ranks #2 on The Most Pretentious Horror Movies Ever Made Also ranks #4 on Interesting Details From Our Favorite Horror Movies That Made Us Say, 'Whoa' Also ranks #6 on The Best Movies Directed by Lars von Trier 32 Dancer in the Dark Björk, Catherine Deneuve, David Morse 4 votes...
Shudder's best horror comedies to scare you AND make you laugh HahahahaAAAAAAARGHHHHHHH! 10/08/2024 By Sam Haysom One of TV's best comedies is coming to a close New episodes are now on Paramount+. 10/25/2024 By Kristy Puchko Save up to 50% off select Prime Video movies and...
In the case of overdraft fees, the horror story has ruled in Congress so far. It's time to stop that.\nThe Federal Reserve just issued new rules guiding the application of overdraft protection plans, but Congress, not to be denied, has weighed in with its own proposals, some of which ...
After all that action and horror, you may be left needing something a little more lighthearted so round up your kids for a night out at the cinema. We can vouch for UglyDolls, a feel-good animation that the whole family will love. Equal parts heartwarming and hilarious, the tale follow...
When he’s not thanking his father for dislodging his finger from that vile vending machine in New Jersey, Mike enjoys playing guitar, reading, and indulging in horror films with his girlfriend. Entertainment The best kids movies on Netflix right now ...
Summer, summer, summertime, time to sit back and unwind…with some horror movies. Good friend of Bloody Good Horror and co-host of the Dads From the Crypt podcast Jody Webster has compiled the Summer of Scares 2022 Scare-A-Thon. This list of 31 chilling
Best Horror Movies on Hulu1. Mr. Crocket (2024)When a sinister children’s TV show host invades the living rooms of his young viewers, their parents must take desperate measures to protect their kids. Prepare to keep the lights on after watching the chilling Hulu Original horror film, “Mr...
This guest post written by Margaret Evans appears as part of our theme week on Women in Horror. A common question that is asked of horror movies is why? Why don’t any of the leads think to go to the police? Why do they not stop messing around with dark forces before it is too la...