If you have had a hip injury in the past, speak to your doctor about the advisability of specific exercises. If you have had trouble with joint instability or inflammation, speak to your doctor before working with a ball. More Articles Buttocks and Outer Thigh Stretches→ Stretch the Gluteus...
A V-up is a situp that builds strong core muscles for jumps, stunting and tumbling. V-ups also target your hip flexor muscles that lift your legs in your jumps. Lie on your back with your arms extended overhead. Pull your abdominal muscles in toward your spine. Lift your upper and lo...
Breathing exercises help your muscles (and mind) relax Foam rolling your muscles canreduce soreness and increase performance. YOUR RECOVERY “WORKOUT” You shouldn’t really feel like you’re “working out” or that this routine is difficult or strenuous. (If anything, it should feel like the ...
It’s also beneficial to incorporate muscle activation exercises into your warm-up, Rosengart says. Before a day of heavy lifting, for instance, you might practice single-leg hip bridges with a foam roller or yoga block underneath your tailbone, attempting to lift your backside completely off ...
hip flexor tendonitis, knee and ankle issues secondary to poor hip andpelvic stabilization. The list goes on and on. Talking about posture may not get the physio-nerd in you all hot and bothered, but I’ll tell you this:if you fix your postural alignment you will jump higher, run fa...